Adrijana Šuljok
Senior research associate
- Researcher’s unique code: 263965
- Job title: Senior research associate
- Field of interest: sociology of science, public understanding of science
Qualifications, scientific advancement and education
Elected in the title senior research associate in social sciences, field of sociology
Research associate at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
Elected in the title research associate in social sciences, field of sociology
PhD in Sociology; Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Zagreb
MA in Sociology; Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Zagreb
Research projects
Collaborator on the project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation "The social resilience of Croatian society in the midst and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic (SOCRES)" (principal investigator B. Ančić, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb)
Collaborator on the project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation "The impact of the Internet and Internet social networks on attitudes and decisions about vaccination-INTERVAKC" (principal investigator Ž. Pavić; Faculty of Philosophy, University of Osijek)
Coordinator - H2020-MSCA-NIGHT project: European Researchers Night – Techno-Past Techno-Future
Collaborator and then principal investigator of the project " Social Protagonists of Scientific and Technological Development" (K. Prpić; B. Golub; A. Šuljok)
Collaborator on the project " Knowledge Elites in Scientific and Technological Development" (principal investigator K. Prpić)
Selected bibliography
Pavić, Željko i Šuljok, Adrijana (2022). Vaccination conspiracy beliefs among social science & humanities and STEM educated people-An analysis of the mediation paths. PloS one, 17(3), e0264722.
Bagić, Dragan, Šuljok, Adrijana & Ančić, Branko (2022). Determinants and reasons for coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine hesitancy in Croatia. Croatian Medical Journal, 63(1), 89–97.
Bagić, Dragan i Šuljok, Adrijana (2021). “Put a Mask and Keep a Distance” – A Study of Determinants of Protective Behavior against COVID-19 Disease in the Republic of Croatia. Sociologija i prostor: časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog razvoja, 59, 219; 119-147.
Šuljok, Adrijana (2020). Scientific Literacy and Attitudes Towards Science in Croatia. Sociologija i prostor : časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog razvoja, 58, 1; 85-111
Šuljok, Adrijana (2020). Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian Daily Press – Socio-Historical Perspective. Medijske studije, 11, 21; 44-65.
Šuljok, Adrijana (2015): Changes in media selection and framing of science news in Croatian daily press // Journal of science communication – JCOM, 14 (2015), 1; 1-19
Šuljok, Adrijana; Brajdić Vuković, Marija (2013): How the Croatian daily press presents science news. Science and Technology Studies. 26 (1); 92-112.
Prpić, Katarina; Šuljok, Adrijana; Petrović, Nikola (2009): Gender differences in the research productivity of natural and social scientists, in: Women in Science and Technology / Eds. K. Prpić et al. Zagreb : Institute for Social Research / Sociology of Science and Technology Network of the European Sociological Association, pp. 109-138.
Jokić, Maja; Šuljok, Adrijana (2009). Productivity and its impact in the ISI and Scopus citation databases from 1996 to 2005 in Beyond the Myths about the Natural and Social Sciences: A Sociological View / Prpić, Katarina (ed.). Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, str. 143-172
Prpić, Katarina; Šuljok, Adrijana (2008). How do scientists perceive scientific quality?”, in Beyond the Myths about the Natural and Social Sciences: A Sociological View / K. Prpić (ed). Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, str. 205-245.
Golub, Branka; Šuljok, Adrijana (2005): Socijalni profil znanstvenika i njegove mijene (1990.-2004.)(The social profile of scientists and its changes (1990–2004), u: Elite znanja u društvu (ne)znanja / ur. K. Prpić. Zagreb : Institut za društvena istraživanja, str.123-183.
Teaching activity
- from the academic year 2015/2016. lecturer at Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb (course Introduction to Scientific Communication)