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Presentations and Papers
KEYNOTE LECTURES Edem Adubra, Head of the Secretariat, International Task Force on Teachers for EFA, Division for Teachers and Higher Education, UNESCO: Fragmentation of Teacher Education: Responses from the Teacher Task Force Network Kwame Akyeampong, University of Sussex, UK: Reconceptualising Teacher Education for a post 2015 Education for All Agenda Anthony Finn, University of Glasgow, UK: The Future of Teaching as a Profession in Europe: Regulation or Relegation? Pavel Zgaga, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia: Fragmentation in Teacher Education vs. Fragmentation in Higher Education PRESENTATIONS Ferenc Arató: Competences or/and Structures? Competence Based Development within Cooperative Structures - Reflections of a Teacher Training Pilot Program Jasna Arrigoni and Petra Pejić Papak: An Overview of Teacher Education to Work with Gifted Pupils in Croatia and Worldwide Bjorn Astrand: Ideas for a Better Future: Coming Full Circle, a Century of Shifting Approaches Towards an Improved Teacher Education in Sweden (1865 - 2013) Yvonne Bain and Jayne Bruce: Connecting Learners for Distance Learning Initial Teacher Education (DLITE) Kathleen Beaudoin, Darko Lončarić and Sanja Skočić Mihić: Are Teachers Adequately Prepared to Manage Difficult Behavior in Croatian Classrooms? Teacher Preparation, Strategy Use and Needed Supports Dragana Bjekić, Svetlana Obradović and Milevica Bojović: Standards of Teacher Professional Activities and Standards of Teacher Education – Connection and Function Danijela Blanuša Trošelj and Željka Ivković: Preschool Teachers’ Education on Their Way to Professional Ethics Olga Bombardelli: A Networked European Teacher Training for Quality and Cooperation Dejana Bouillet and Jasna Kudek-Mirošević: Students with Disabilities as a Source of Fragmentation of Educational Practice Pete Bradshaw, Mahruf Shohel, Lore Gallastegi, Dalia El Hawary, Hala Ahmed, Roula Ojeimi and Nisrine Sawli: Internationalisation of Teacher Education: Exploring the current trends in Egypt, England, Lebanon and Scotland Olinka Breka and Ana Petravić: Foreign Language Teachers and the Intercultural Dimension in Primary School Jayne Bruce and Yvonne Bain: Connected Learning - A Collaborative Partnership Approach Ivana Cindrić, Marija Andraka and Milka Bilić-Štefan: Raising Students’ Awareness of Teaching Competences by Means of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages Aleksandra Čižmešija and Željka Milin Šipuš: Mathematics Teacher Education at the Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb Sanja Fulgosi and Natalija Curkovic: Teachers’ Capability to Assess Item Difficulty – Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses Gabrijela Grujic and Maja Ignjacevic: Music Education Syllabi within Preschool Teacher Training Programs in Serbia Boris Jokić and Andrea Soldo: The Multiplicity of Roles of Teachers in Private Tutoring in Eurasia - A Source of or the Solution to the Phenomenon? Tinde Kovacs Cerović, Jelena Radišić and Dejan Stanković: Bridging the Gap between Teachers’ Initial Education and Induction: Case Study of Serbia Vesna Kovač and Iva Buchberger: Teachers' Role in School Leadership: Trends and Challenges Evija Latkovska and Lūcija Rutka: Self-Assessment of Student Teachers’ Pedagogical Activity. School Mentors’ Standpoint in the Context of Latvia Joanna Madalińska-Michalak: Developing Teachers’ Socio-Emotional Competencies and Integrated Professional Learning Cultures Sandra Mardesic: Reflection as a Model of Linking Initial Teacher Education to Continuous Professional Development Snežana Marinković, Teodora Marinković and Lidija Zlatić: School and Teachers between Socialization Potentials Offered by Convention of the Rights of the Child and Folk Pedagogy Iris Marušić, Ivana Jugović and Darko Lončarić: Approaches to Learning of First-Year and Fifth-Year Student Teachers - Are there any Changes? Teresa Moran, Neil Taylor and Derek Robertson: Establishing Sustainable Approaches to Early Phase Partnership Bardhyl Musai: More than 15-Years of Hard Work for Filling the Gap between Initial Teacher Education and Professional Development – The Case of Albania Hannele Niemi, Kari Smith, Ruben Vanderlinde, Frances Rust, Gerry Czerniawski, Mandi Berry and Michal Golan: Fragmentation of Teacher Educators' Professional Development - How does it Look Like from National Perspectives? Svetlana Obradović, Dragana Bjekic and Snežana Marinković: Between Teacher Education and Educational Inclusion Natasa Pantic: Education of Teachers as Agents of Change for Social Justice Mojca Peček, Sunčica Macura-Milovanović and Ivan Čuk: Regular Teacher Education Vs. Special Teacher Education Hannu Salmi: Inspiring Science: Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics and Technology for Teachers’ Professional Development Blerim Saqipi: The Experience of Abolishing Fragmentation and Raising Professionalism Bar: Teacher Education in Kosovo Marco Snoek: Fighting Fragmentation in Universities and Schools Relations. From Transfer of Learning to Boundary Crossing in Post-Initial Master’s Programs Ognen Spasovski: Inclusive education: When preparation to be a teacher doesn’t match the demands to be a teacher Mihaela Stîngu, Eve Eisenschmidt and Romiță Iucu: Different Approaches to Mentor Education Improving Teacher Induction Kristina Telek, Anita Tóth Vásárhelyi and Tatjana Varju Potrebić: Teacher as Expert in the Net of Educational System Lidija Terek, Kristina Telek, Irena Terzić, Anka Ivanović and Nevena Šćepanović: Professional Development Programs as a Support for Teachers at the Beginning of Their Careers Asja Vanaga and Lūcija Rutka: The Initiative of Preschool Children in the Process Self-Directed Learning Zeqir Veselaj and Ethem Ceku: Challenges in Transforming Teacher Education Programs from Concurrent to Consecutive System- Case of Kosovo Jelena Vranjesevic and Natasa Vujisic Zivkovic: Development of Teachers’ Research Competences: Toward Active Participation in Shaping Education Policies Tina Vrsnik Perse, Katja Košir and Tomaž Bratina: Practical Teaching Training of Undergraduate Students – Future Primary Education Teachers Milica Vucetic: State of Research on “Bridging the Gap” between Initial Teacher Education and Induction - A Literature Review of Studies Published in the Last Decade Lidija Vujičić, Renata Čepić and Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić: Lifelong Learning and Changes in Preschool Teacher Education – Croatian Experiences Sina Westa: Teacher Education between "Lehr - und Lernfreiheit" Sarah Younie and Marilyn Leask: Knowledge Mobilisation to Overcome the Fragmentation between Research and Practice: MESH (Mapping Education Specialist Knowhow) Lidija Zlatić, Milevica Bojović and Milica Vučetić: Teacher Communication Competence: From Initial Education towards Continuous Professional Development Nataša Zrim Martinjak: Influence of a Habitus and Practical Education on the Pedagogic Praxis of a Teacher |