Vlasta Vizek Vidović
Znanstvena savjetnica u trajnom zvanju
- Matični broj iz upisa znanstvenika: 52586
- Naziv radnog mjesta: Znanstvena savjetnica u trajnom zvanju
- Područje rada: obrazovne znanosti
Kvalifikacije, znanstveno napredovanje i obrazovanje
profesor psihologije, engleskog jezika, sociologije
doktorat znanosti iz psihologije
redoviti profesor
redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju
Istraživački projekti
Psihologijska istraživanja psihičkih procesa i ljudsko ponašanje, projekt Odsjeka za psihologiju, Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, projekt financira SIZ za znanost SRH
Work importance study (Vrijednost rada u životu pojedinca) – međunarodni projekt – voditelj za Hrvatsku dr. sc. B. Šverko, projekt financira European research office
Način vrednovanja školskog uspjeha i neke osobine ličnosti učenika (, projekt financira SIZ za znanost SRH
Rukovođenje i međuljudski odnosi ( selektivni projekt naručen od strane Privredne komore Hrvatske, projekt financira SIZ za znanost SRH
Neki aspekti profesionalnog sazrijevanja u adolescenciji. (6-06-004), projekt financira Ministarstvo znanosti, tehnologije i informatike
Psihosocijalna prilagodba djece nakon rata i podrška škole (6-06-713), projekt financira Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije
Teacher education in Central and East European countries, (voditelj za Hrvatsku) Central European University, OSI, Budimpešta
Strategija razvoja obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj u 21. stoljeću projekt vlade Republike Hrvatske (voditelj dr. sc. N. Pastuović), projekt financira Ministarstvo znanosti, tehnologije i informatike
Teacher education in higher education institutions (voditelj za Hrvatsku), projekt financira UNESCO-CEPES
Razvoj modela cjeloživotnog obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika (0100503), projekt financira MZOŠ
Strategic management of staff development at university, SCM-TEMPUS (CO-15404), projekt financira EU
Enhancing professional development of education practitioners and teaching/learning practices in SEE countries). Projekt mreže South East Europe Education Cooperation Network (voditelj projekta dr. sc. Pavel Zgaga, Center for Educational Policy Studies, Sveučilište u Ljubljani), projekt financira OSI Budimpešta
Life long learning in university context, SCM-Tempus (C009A06-2006) (suvoditelj), projekt financira EU
Development of university counseling and advisory services, UM-JEP – 41060-(HR), projekt financira EU
Ishodi učenja u obrazovanju učitelja i nastavnika – (IUOUN), projekt financira Nacionalna zaklada za znanost
Profesionalni razvoj učitelja tijekom inicijalnog obrazovanja i pripravništva (100-1001677-0880), projekt financira MZOS
Advancing the Educational Inclusion and Quality in SEE countries (Phase 2: Cross-country Survey on Parents (sudjelujem kao član Central research team-a, voditelj projekta Steve Powell, Promente org., Sarajevo), projekt financira OSI Budimpešta
International teacher leadership project (glavni voditelj David Frost, University of Cambridge), projekt financira OSI Budimpešta
Advancing teacher professionalism for inclusive, quality and relevant education – ATEPIE: Competence Framework for Teachers, Vanjski konzultant na projektu, Centar za obrazovne politike, Beograd, financira OSI Budimpešta
Program Higher education initiative in South-east Europe (HEISEE). Voditeljica regionalnog programa u suradnji s Institute of higher education, University of Georgia, US; projekt se financira iz sredstava US Embassy i donorskih izvora
Potencijali i perspektive inicijalnog obrazovanja savjetnika u profesionalnom usmjeravanju u Republici Hrvatskoj, voditelj projekta, projekt financira Agencija za mobilnost i projekte EU
Odabrana bibliografija
Vizek Vidović, V., Lugomer, G., Arambašić, L.(1988) Intrinsic extrinsic orientation and evaluation system in primary school. Psychologische Beitrage, vol 30/ 1-2. l06-107.
Lugomer, G., Vizek Vidović, V., Arambašić, L. (1988) Factor structures of intrinsic vs. extrinsic orientation in the classroom obtained under different evaluation systems in primary school, Psychologische Beitrage, vol.30./ 1-2. 92-105.
Šverko, B. i Vizek Vidović, V. (1995) Studies in the meaning of work: Models and some of the findings, u D.E. Super i B.Šverko (ed.): Life Roles, Values and Careers in International Perspective, San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 3-21.
Šverko, B., Jerneić, Ž, Kulenović, A. Vizek Vidović, V. (1995) Life Roles and Values in Croatia: Some results of the Work Importance Study, u D. Super i B.Šverko (ed.): Life Roles, Values and Careers in International Perspective, San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 128-146.
Vlahović-Štetić, V., Vizek Vidović, V.,Arambašić, L. (1999) Motivational characteristics in mathematical achievement: comparison of gifted high-achieving, gifted under-achieving and no -gifted pupils, High Ability Studies, Vol 10. br.1. 37-49.
Vizek Vidović, V. (1999) Self-referenced cognitions and mathematic grades in secondary school, Studia Psychologica, 41, str. 133-142.
Vizek Vidović, V.(1999) Normal development and common problems in Children, u D.Ajduković & P.T.Joshi (ur.) Empowering Children – Psychosocial assistance under difficult circumstances, Zagreb, Society for Psychological Assistance,.1999. 21-31.
Vizek Vidović, V., Vlahović-Štetić,V. i Bratko, D. (1999) Pet ownership and socio-emotional development of school children, Anthrozoos, 12(4), 211-217.
Keresteš, G., Arambašić, L. Kuterovac-Jagodić G., Vizek Vidović, V. (1999) Pet ownership and childrens’ self-esteem in the context of war, Anthrozoos, 12(4), 218-223.
Arambašić, L., Keresteš, G., Kuterovac-Jagodić, G., Vizek Vidović, V. (2000) The role of pet ownership as possible buffer variable in traumatic experience, Studia psychologica, 42, 135-146.
Vizek Vidović, V., Kuterovac-Jagodić, G., Arambašić, L. (2000) Posttraumatic symptomatology in children exposed to war, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 41, 297-306.
Vizek Vidović, V. Arambašić, L., Keresteš, G., Kuterovac-Jagodić, G. i Vlahović-Štetić, V. (2001) Pet ownership in childhood and socio-emotional characteristics, work values and professional choices in early adulthood, Anthrozoos, 14 (4), 224-231.
Rovan, D. i Vizek Vidović, V. (2003) Service learning in the university: a case study, Thinking classroom, vol 4/1, str. 14-19.
Vizek Vidović, V., Vlahović-Štetić, V.(2003.) Curent models and new developments in Croatian teacher education, u B. Moon, L.Vlasceanu, L.C. Barrows, (ed.): Institutional approaches to teacher education within higher education in Europe: current models and new developments, Studies in higher education, Bucharest UNESCO-CEPES, 51-64.
Pifat-Mrzljak, G., Juroš, L., Vizek Vidović, V. (2004) Broad strokes of recovery: The case of Croatia, Higher education in Europe: Brain drain and the academic and intellectual labour market in South East Europe, vol.3/3, 372-380.
Vizek Vidović, V. i Bjeliš, A. (2006) Entrepreneurialism at the University of Zagreb: mangaing the sustainability of change, Higher education in Europe: Entrepreneurial Universities in Europe: Legacies, Realities and Aspirations, 31, 157-194.
Pavin, T., Vizek Vidović, V.,Miljević-Riđički, R. (2006) Enhancing Professional Development of Education Practitioners and Teaching/Learning Practices in SEE Countries – National report Croatia, u P. Zgaga (ed.).The Prospects of Teacher Education in South-east Europe, Ljubljana, Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 251-287.
Vizek Vidović, V., Grozdanić,V. , Kletzien, S.B.(2007) Enhancing active learning and critical thinking in higher eduaction: university teachers perceptions of the ALCT program, Thinking classroom, vol 8/1. 18-23.
Vizek Vidović V. i Domović, V. (2008): Researching teacher education and teacher practice: the Croatian perspective, u B. Hudson i P. Zgaga (eds) Teacher education policy in Europe, Umea: University of Umea, 303-313.
Vizek Vidovic, V. (2008) Accountability, access and affordability as key challenges in the reform of Croatian higher education u ur. K. Weber : International perspectives on accountability, affordability, access to postsecondary education, New developments for institutional research, Assessment Supplement, San Francisco, Josey-Bass, 5-25.
Domović, V. i Vizek Vidović, V. (2010) Development of quality culture in initial teacher education in Croatia, u P.Hudson, P.Zgaga i B. Astrand (eds) Advancinag quality cultures for teacher education in Europe: tensions and opportunities, Monographs on Journal of research in teacher education, Umea:TEPE 2010, 105-120.
Kovacs-Cerovic. T., Vizek Vidović, V. Powell, S. (2010.) School governance and social inclusion, Involvement of parents, Belgrade: CEPS (130 pp).
Marušić, I. Pavin Ivanec, T. Vizek Vidović, V. (2010) Some predictors of learning motivation of student teachers, Psihologijske teme, 19/1, 31-44.
Pahić, T., Vizek Vidović, V., Miljević-Riđički, R. (2011) Involvement of Roma parents in children’s education in Croatia: A comparative study, Journal of Research in International Education,Vol 10/3. 275 – 292.
Domović, V. i Vizek Vidović, V. (2011) Teacher education in Croatia: Recent developments in teacher education (2005-2010) u Valenčič Zuljan,M. i Vogrinc, J. (ed.) European dimensions of teacher education-similarities and differences, Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, 253-270.
Domović, V. i Vizek Vidović, V. (2012) Turning educational research into teacher education policy and practice: mission possible or impossible?. U Madalinska-Michala, J. Niemi, H. Chong, S., Research, policy and practice in teacher education in Europe.Lodz: University of Lodz. 264-276.
Jugović, I.,Marušić, I., Pavin Ivanec, T. & Vizek Vidović, V. (2012) Motivation and personality of preservice teachers in Croatia, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Volume 40, Issue 3, 271-287.
Vizek Vidović, V., Domović, V. , Drvodelic, M. (2012) The role of research in curricula reform in initial education for primary school teachers in Croatia, Reflective education, 8, No. 2, 140-148.
Vizek Vidović V. i Velkovski, Z. (eds.) (2013) Teaching profession for the 21st c, century, Belgrade, Centre for education Policy (90 pp.)
Vizek Vidović, Vlasta; Domović, Vlatka. (2013) Teachers in Europe – Main Trends, Issues and Challenges, Croatian Journal of Education. 15, 3; 219-250.